Children's room in the attic +50 photos of the interior and design examples

The attic is a mysterious and unusually attractive place in the house, a real children's territory. And, maybe, to re-equip a not very comfortable and irrationally used room into a cozy playroom. Children's room in the attic will be very useful: the kids will feel independent, and from the windows opens a lovely landscape. The peculiarity of the attic room is that it is located under the roof of the house, and the elements of the roof serve as walls. The room, designed correctly and efficiently, causes a feeling of spaciousness and comfort. Real housing Carlson!

Construction and zoning

Before you start arranging the attic for a nursery, you need to think about security: make sure that the stairs and handrails are quite stable. If the house is old, also check the condition of the flooring.

All wooden elements of the attic should be treated with a composition that increases the fire resistance.


Only after all the security measures have been taken, you can proceed to the design of a stylish, functional and cozy room, choose the design of the nursery in the attic. First of all, they solve the problem of room zoning. Children's multifunctional, so it is desirable to distinguish 3 zones: for sleep, games and for classes.

  • Game Zone. The main requirement is the absence of sharp corners and maximum free space. You can select a zone for games in the attic using carpet or carpet on the floor, as well as bright wallpaper.
  • Sleep area It includes a bed, wardrobe, bedside table or bedside table. If there are two children, a bunk bed would be an excellent option. An interesting solution is the bed of the original design in the form of a ship, car or castle of the princess, which serves as a playing field in the daytime. It is best to place the bed near the vertical end wall.
  • It is desirable to place the zone for studies and creativity near the window in such a way that the light falls directly or on the left side. Be sure to need a desk lamp for additional lighting of the workplace.


Do not place the playing area and bed close to the stairs.


The best option is to use the maximum natural light. Particularly advantageous is the room with large windows. If the room is well lit, then the mood will be appropriate. But, if there are no such windows, it doesn't matter. Thoughtful lighting will give the room a cheerful and elegant look. When choosing a lamp you need to take into account the style in which the room is designed. There are basic rules for the location of lighting:

  • Lamps should be as large as possible (of course, adjusted for the size of the room);
  • Convenient to use spots. They help illuminate the nursery as it is needed at the moment;
  • It is necessary to have light sources so that the room is lit evenly.


The choice of lamps is carried out depending on the design and size of the room. For example, lamps with incandescent bulbs give a warm light, and halogen lamps or fluorescent lights - cold. Light bulbs differ not only in color, but also in power and brightness. It is possible to use LED strips, as well as spotlights.

Color spectrum

The color decision depends, first of all, on the taste preferences, the nature of the child, as well as on the light of the attic. If the baby is active, saturated tones should be avoided. Pastel, soothing shades affect the psyche soothingly. For a balanced, phlegmatic child, juicy colors are more appropriate. If the room is well lit by the sun, warm colors should not be used. Over-saturation with light and heat also stimulates the psyche. In a darkened room, they try not to use dark tones, since the nursery will turn out to be somewhat sad. Ideal option - use of several flowers for division of the room into zones. For example, the zone for occupations is sustained in coldish, somewhat strict colors, and the playing area is sunny and well-dressed.



As a rule, the attic room is small, and you need to proceed from how many "square meters" are at your disposal. Additional complexity create sloping walls. Place large-sized pieces of furniture here is not easy. Therefore, for the attic more compact cabinet furniture is preferable (the top can be mown). The specific solution space depends on the configuration and area of ​​the room. For example, if the attic is small but high, it is appropriate to have a bed on two levels with a berth at the top and a desk on the lower "floor". Sometimes this multifunctional design includes a children's wardrobe.


Finishing the attic ceiling and walls

Most of the attic rooms have low ceilings, and the bevel of the roof makes the space visually smaller. Therefore, it is logical to use materials with the effect of "pulling". For example, relevant wallpaper with vertically oriented patterns and prints. Popular for wall decoration and zoning premises bamboo. This is an environmentally safe material, it looks great and is easy to clean. If the roof is high, the attic is elongated in height. Here are relevant finishing materials with horizontal prints. Beautifully looks print on the wall, gradually flowing to the sloping ceiling. When choosing materials, it is necessary to purchase environmentally friendly materials that are not too difficult to maintain. As a rule, it is a variety of wallpaper, wood or water-based paint. For the finishing of the shelves use drywall, wooden blocks or tension structures. The basic color is white. It can be variegated by brighter colored walls.


Children's for girls

The main thing in the design of the room is the abundance of light and comfort. As a rule, the color scheme is unobtrusive, pastel, using 1-2 accents. Design feature - a lot of small accessories, textiles and decorative elements. Although, of all the rules there are exceptions. If your girl is growing up - a little robber who likes boyish games, then the interior should be appropriate. Such ideas are possible:

Fairy Palace (Princess)Here the central place in the room is a canopy bed or an imitation of an old carriage. Complement the interior frilly armchair and a table with curved legs. The rack for toys is stylized as a royal castle.
Country of fairy talesBright wallpapers and themed stickers allow you to turn a room into a magical world inhabited by unprecedented plants, animals and good wizards.

Children's for boy

The attic room for a boy is a real world inhabited by your favorite heroes. Best for boys are children's styles such as loft, sea, country or Scandinavian. Thematic design will turn out more than possible to the place. Depending on the hobbies of the child, it can be a starship cabin, a ship's deck or a room for a superhero. If space allows, it is advisable to arrange a small sports area.

For two children

Here we proceed from the hobbies and preferences of children. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible changes in advance. Children grow up, tastes change, so you have to repaint and re-equip the room for teenage taste. Consider the possible variations.

Room for two girls

Attic for two sisters will become a real kingdom for little princesses. Spacious workplace placed at the window, bed - butts against the wall. Decorate the room with bright pillows and (or) blankets. If space allows, beds can be placed perpendicular to each other.

Room for two boys

The preferences of the boys are somewhat different from the hobbies of girls. They are more active and restless, so the furniture should be placed so that the "brother-robbers" had more space for games. If in the girls 'room pink and beige tones predominate, then in the boys' attic - dominance of shades of green, blue and blue. These colors, only saturated, are used to create accents. If the brothers have different hobbies, you can zone the room with color and using your favorite accessories.

Children's for boy and girl

Making a room for children of different sexes is perhaps the most difficult task. The girl is unlikely to be comfortable in the “cabin of the frigate”, as well as the boy in the “fairy-tale house”. The optimal solution is a neutral interior, the use of light shades. The division of the premises into zones is performed with the help of favorite toys and color solutions.

Style selection

When designing the attic styling, consider the following:

  • Age and sex of the child. For example, a five-year-old child will hardly like an industrial-style room, and a teenager will like it;
  • Hobbies and interests of the young owner;
  • The size of the room. For a spacious attic, the abundance of accessories will not be superfluous, and for a small children's room, cozy minimalism is appropriate;
  • The hardest thing to choose a design for two children, because their interests may not be the same. In this case, it is best to give preference to neutral classics.

Consider a few design solutions for children, in the context of styles.


For the Provencal style is characterized by the predominance of pastel colors in the decoration of walls and furnishings. Upholstery upholstered furniture usually has a print in the form of dim colors. The use of artificially aged surfaces is welcomed. Provence is ideal when you make a nursery for a girl. Here, a lot of attention is paid to accessories: white and (or) pastel ceramics vases, natural textile shades.

It is desirable to make the floor plank with staining in light colors. Looks good parquet. The walls are smooth, painted white, as required by the canons of style. The use of such "air" tones will visually fill the attic with light, make it visually more spacious, which is necessary for children.

As for the decoration of the room, the decoration elements are not only accessories, but also furniture, and walls painted with plant and animal motifs. The painting can be done independently, without resorting to a professional artist, since some "home-grownness" and clumsyness are welcome. It is best to use safe and easy-to-work acrylic paints.


The design of the nursery in this style is not much different from the adult bedroom. The main requirement is only natural and environmentally friendly materials. Synthetic textiles, inexpensive plastic furniture or acid-colored toy containers are inappropriate here. Natural finishing materials, solid wood floor, upholstery and curtains of cotton and linen - all this will be the best care for the health of the child. Want a more budget option? Then it is necessary to retreat somewhat from the style canons and be content with realistic imitation of wood. Here are a few design features:

  • Sophisticated heating system. The chalet is a physical sensation of warmth. Therefore, electric fireplace or the "warm floor" system is quite appropriate;
  • Natural textiles. Patchwork quilt, rug or handmade rug on the floor look good;
  • Lighting is best to choose a "warm": LEDs or incandescent lamps. Halogen lamps or coldish "daylight" are irrelevant here.

As a decor, you can use wood products or dried flowers, wicker baskets. It is hardly necessary to apply the canonical “chalet” style to the decoration of the nursery. But it is quite possible to paint the interior with a bed made of natural wood, wicker furniture and (or) a blanket of multi-colored shreds.


The loft (loft) itself is the epitome of something non-standard, unusual and original. In particular, if we are talking about such a room as an attic. Here the role of the walls are sloped roofs. Loft is a favorite style direction for creative people - writers, artists or musicians. So the teenager will be delighted. Despite the fact that this style is considered luxurious, bourgeois and incredibly expensive, you can use budget materials to decorate and decorate the room.

The color palette is simple: a combination of shades of brown, gray and white. For example, natural wood is in harmony with white textiles. Color accents are permissible, but not too bright, but, on the contrary, somewhat muted. Loft (including children's room) is a combination of practical and almost futuristic things. A sofa with natural textile upholstery, vintage (or, on the contrary, ultramodern) lamps, floors from massive, deliberately rough board and imitation of brick in the wall covering - all this is a loft. Traditional brick imitation can be replaced with artificially aged plaster. An alternative to conventional luminaires is LED strip.


Modern styles - high-tech, industrial and techno are distinguished by maximum simplicity to asceticism. Paintings, statues, artsy textiles are clearly inappropriate here. As a rule, in country houses this style is used a little. Basically, it is common in urban loft apartments. For a small child, a modern style in its pure form is hardly suitable, and a teenager will surely like it. The color scheme of the room is neutral, however, bright colors can be used to emphasize, even acidic. This could be a sofa with bright leather upholstery, a carpet on the floor, wall posters or bright curtains on the windows. It is important that such items be no more than 2. As for the materials for decorating the attic, plastic, chrome-plated metal, glass and eco-leather prevail here.


The classic style, including for the nursery, is the most win-win. Going down to the bad taste here is simply impossible. The main "canonical" features of the classic are as follows:

  • Light color range with a predominance of noble shades: white, cream, beige, brown, olive. The exception to the rule is the floor of a dark shade;
  • Parquet flooring. In addition to the parquet floor, a light carpet on the floor is welcome, especially if the child is small;
  • Decor in the form of stucco elements, gilded decorations on the furniture is welcome, but without rolling into kitsch;
  • Wooden furniture, preferably of noble breeds, textiles - natural and of the highest quality.

At this point, borrowed from the past, end. TV, laptop, PC and game console will not be superfluous. As you can see, in the classical nursery a lot is copied from the adult bedroom, but it turns out very nice and elegant. And one moment. Classic interior - this is not an article to save. In no case should cheap materials be used.

Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style in the interior is simplicity, convenience, functionality and a lot of light. This design will appeal to both parents and small owners of the room. Even the disorder characteristic of the nursery looks perfectly organic here. So, the main differences of style - the dominance of natural materials and white. The Scandinavian climate is quite severe, and the locals appreciate the sunshine. For painting walls choose white, blue or light gray shades. Beige is less common, since it does not quite fit into the concept of the “Snow Queen” castle. Cold colors are much more organic. Water-based paints are used as a wall covering. Such walls are easy to clean or simply paint over with a fresh layer. Original wall finish looks white panels with inlays of raw wood.

Light, shining untouched clean walls - a great temptation for the young artist. To direct his creative energy to a safe course, it is advisable to supplement the interior with slate or chalk board. It will turn out something in the style of Andersen’s fairy tales about Ole Lukoye. True, this is not Scandinavia, and Denmark, but still geographically close.

The floor is a tree or its realistic imitation. This can be a massive or parquet flooring, as well as laminate. A more budget option is linoleum, imitating the surface of wood.

The color may be white, natural or, in contrast to the walls, dark. Carpet and Scandinavian style are incompatible, therefore, in order for the child not to freeze, it is necessary to solve the issue with the arrangement of warm floors in advance. The alternative to them - bright colored rugs, which at the same time play the role of color accents.

Furniture with simple geometry, made of solid wood. Perhaps lacquer coating with the preservation of the natural wood texture or the use of light colors. Leather or natural textile upholstery (linen or cotton). Look good in Scandinavian interiors and beds with metal backs. Scandinavians are practical people, so transformer models that “grow” with children are welcome. Another element of the style is open shelves and racks for storing toys, accessories and books. If the attic is spacious enough, you can provide a place under the "wigwam" for games. The windows look good rolled, corrugated curtains or blinds. Для хранения игрушек можно приспособить корзины из натуральной лозы, текстильные и картонные коробки, стилизованные "под старину" деревянные сундуки.

Морская тема на мансарде

Морской стиль - это отличное дизайнерское решение для детской. Здесь 2 господствующих цвета: синий и белый. Natural wood, so painted so that the natural texture of the wood is preserved, is welcomed in the "sea" interior. The main advantage of this design is versatility. It is suitable for children of different ages, for boys and girls. At the same time, to create a design does not need large expenses.

Such options are possible:

  • Theme of navigation. This interior is suitable for a boy of school age. Maritime symbolism is appropriate here: a porthole window, a steering wheel, an anchor, signal flags. A bed in the shape of a boat will become not only a place to sleep, but also an excellent playing field;
  • Seaside cottage. This option is more suitable for girls. Bright colors will visually increase even a small attic room. Natural textiles, light, as if sun-baked furniture will decorate the nursery;
  • Making a nursery in the form of a beach is appropriate for children of preschool age and younger students. The color scheme is shades of beige and blue. The curtains are light, the pieces of furniture are painted white. As elements of decor, you can use paintings with exotic animals and species of tropical islands, African masks, surfboards. On the wall will look beautiful sticker in the form of a palm tree.


The most interesting fantasies are reflected in the nursery. Heroes of favorite games, books and cartoons can live here. What the attic will turn into - a modern high-tech room, a country house, a castle of a kind sorceress, or the deck of a high-speed sailboat - everything depends on you and your designer fantasy.

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