Rococo style in the interior +40 photos

Rococo - a style in art and architecture, which dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century. This current is distinguished by a special grace, lightness, and the ideological basis is beauty, unfading youth, gallant grace. The most pronounced rococo style in the interior. Characteristic features of the most "elegant" style - to all sorts of "female stuff" (jewelry, statuettes, luxurious fabrics, smooth lines, muffled tones), increased attention to the selection of the smallest details, as well as the desire to ensure that every bar was brought to perfection .

Boho style in the interior + 50 ideas in the photo

In the modern interior there are the most amazing things, they like people and are widely in demand among lovers of novelty, freedom of thought, fantasy. A good example is the style of boho in the interior. What is boho? Its name comes from the word Boheme, that is, Gypsy, Bohemia. Differences from other directions He appeared relatively recently, but already stands out with special signs, it is precisely for them that he is easily distinguished from other styles.

Modern style in the interior in the photo examples

This style, starting from the last decades of the 19th century, quickly spread in all kinds of art. At first, the fine arts, the works of European architects began to move away from calibrated proportions, strict geometry. Just like other areas, the modernist style in the interior was the result of complete confusion and mixing of directions, protest by artists and decorators against the rigid framework of academic art.

Chebbi chic in the interior - examples of design

Modern interiors are designed to carry their owners comfort, practicality and not piling up unnecessary items. But such interpretations are not to everyone’s liking. True romantic motifs carries a chebbi-chic style. Such a "shabby chic" can be created from antique items that remain from the older generation.

Russian style in the interior - 35 photos of the ideas of the embodiment

The re-creation of the Russian style, so colorful and diverse, is becoming more and more interesting not only for patriotic owners, but also for Western designers. And if for the latter this style is a tribute to an exotic fashion, then only a Russian person can appreciate the heritage of ancestors and the unique atmosphere of the premises created in the Russian style recognized throughout the world in the interior of a house or apartment.

We make the interior in a classic style - examples of design

The classic style in the interior of an apartment or a country house is recommended for those who do not want to overload the space with unnecessary details, preferring calm restraint. If you refer to the original sources, the "classic interior" should be read as "exemplary". Accordingly, the interior of the classic is a reference design, worthy of imitation.

French style in the interior of the apartment

France ... The word itself is already causing a lot of pleasant associations: exquisite luxury, unsurpassed refinement, high cost, high style. Today, among the minimalism, functionality with high technology, it is the French style in the interior that attracts many, thanks to its simplicity, chic, versatility and refinement.

Japanese style interior +120 photo ideas

Residents of European countries, accustomed to cozy interiors with upholstered furniture, massive wardrobes and chest of drawers, heavy solid wood doors and many decorative elements, the Japanese style is able to surprise and amaze with its elegance and minimalism. This ethnic style in the last decade does not leave the top positions in the list of the most popular interior styles, as it combines impeccable color compositions and strict minimalism, laconic forms and non-standard solutions, naturalness and austerity.

Chalet-style interior - examples of design in the house and apartment

The historic home of the chalet style is the south-east of France, not far from the Alps. These are cozy, warm houses with characteristic design features in the form of a sloping roof, open terraces from which it is so convenient to admire the surrounding beauty. The atmosphere of the inner space is capable of striking a modern man with its magnificent simplicity, expressiveness, harsh romance.

Classic style apartment interior - 25 photos

For several centuries classic has embodied impeccable taste, luxury and elegance. After completing the interior of the apartment in a classic style, you will get the perfect combination of beauty and practicality, which will be relevant not only in the next couple of years. The general view does not look too pompous, although it makes it clear about the viability of the owners, their impeccable taste.

Ecostyle in the interior of the apartment and house

Increasingly, there are inscriptions "bio", "organic" on food, household chemicals, clothing. "Green" and natural - the trend of modern life. Why not take a step forward to nature - create eco-style in the interior of the house. As a result, get a real oasis, a personal reserved corner where you can relax, calm down, feel the inner harmony.

Village House Interior - 30 Design Ideas Inside

Just at the mere mention of a house in the village, a neat, clean room appears before your eyes and you feel the warmth of a summer day, the aroma of herbs and freshly baked bread, so the rustic style in the interior should be created from tasty smells, comfort and natural materials. A wide choice - a difficult choice Rustic-style options according to the individual preferences of the house owner can be: Provence; country music; modern rustic; Russian in its opposites: light, light and dark massive; English countryside.

High-tech style in the interior - 25 inspirational photos

One of those styles that do not become obsolete over time, due to the constant introduction of a new one. High-tech style in the interior of an apartment or house is the most advanced, modern, high-tech style of the existing ones (at the same time not overloaded with details and more suitable for everyday life, compared to, for example, futurism).

American style in the interior of apartments and houses

First of all, the American style in the interior will appeal to sociable and active people with democratic views who are not tied to a tough stylistic program and appreciate home comfort. It is also ideally suited to experimenters, as it easily changes under the influence of mood, and also allows one to combine the incompatible in one area.

Loft style in the interior - bohemian and shocking

Loft style strikes with luxury, shocking decor. This design direction combines two different images - bohemian and underground. Wealth, misery join together, demonstrating attractiveness. The old, abandoned industrial space is embodied in the seemingly gorgeous. From the English "loft" translated loft, attic.

Art deco style in the interior - 30 photos of design ideas

Art Deco literally translated as "the art of decorating" from French. This is a stylistic movement that received its name from the international exhibition of 1925. Art Deco in the interior has always been chosen by the creative intelligentsia, the elite, the aristocratic elite. It is associated with luxurious status interiors as from the pictures of glossy magazines, luxury apartments, boudoir stars, exclusive furnishings.

Provence style in the interior - 40 photos of design ideas

There is a huge number of trends in interior design, which are able to bring comfort to the house. The Provence style in the interior is considered to be the easiest and most airy among them. In this article we will tell you how to create a French oasis in your own nest, how to choose finishing materials, what shades, colors will add to the home of purity and sophistication, what furniture is used in the design.

Scandinavian style: application in the creation of the interior

Almost all styles of decoration of the premises appeared in various localities or states. They show the climatic features of the area, the customs of the people living and their character. No exception is the Scandinavian style in the interior, recently enjoying great popularity. Many people of our state liked this style, and the number of its fans only continues to grow.

The style of minimalism in the interior - create the perfect design

All Japanese culture was built on the principles of minimalism. Since ancient times, Japanese dwellings were designed in strict accordance with the rules of harmonious simplicity: they did not hang anything on the walls, instead of windows special partitions were installed from the ceiling to the floor, sat on mats, and slept on special futon mattresses.