Interior living room with a fireplace in the house - interesting solutions and photos

Today, the interior of the living room with a fireplace has become a characteristic symbol of the coziness of individual houses, a romantic setting, while playing a status role - the owner of the fireplace, without a doubt, a successful and modern-minded person.

Modern technologies, which allowed to increase the efficiency of this ancient heating device, increase its thermal efficiency from the traditional 20% to almost 80%, contributed to its even greater popularity, made fireplaces an element of the interior of a residential house.

Installation of fireplaces produced in country houses and homes of citizens. Usually they are set up for a living room, a room that is the real heart of the house, a place where the family gathers, receive guests.


A significant impact on the design of a home fireplace as an element of the living room has its device. Today it is customary to separate them in several ways.

1. By installation method:

  • wall - with adjacent to the wall, but not recessed back wall, they can be installed not only for the living room. Almost any room can become a place for its installation even after completion of construction;
  • built in - choosing such a fireplace for the living room, it should be noted that it can be installed only during construction or major repairs, they are recessed before lining;
  • island - it is standing separately and located at a distance from the walls, have a circular view that allows you to create a design that gives the opportunity to look at the flame from different sides;
  • Corner - the location of the living room, such a fireplace makes it possible to create a peculiar design of the so-called "red corner".

2. By type of firebox.

On this basis, fireplaces are divided into 2 types:

  • open type, the burning of the flame does not fence off the space of the room, sometimes they use decorative obreshechivanie, they practically do not fill the room with warmth in the living room, are used solely as a decorative element in the overall design;
  • closed type - the furnace part is isolated from the space of the room by a special door.

The current technology of making heat-resistant glass made it possible to offer the client a design of a fireplace that will fill the room with warmth, and also create the opportunity to admire the play of tongues of burning flame. You can also make a fireplace with a floating door - it can move up smoothly, the fireplace becomes an open type.

3. By type of fuel.

By type of fuel used are distinguished:

  • wood - this option allows you to create not only the living room design of various styles, but to create the opportunity to enjoy the light aroma of burning dry wood, you can install them, creating a living room design with a fireplace in a private house, since the restriction imposes the need to take smoke directly from the room to the street;
  • gas - the flame is created by burning the supplied natural gas;
  • electric - they do not require fuel, because they create only an optical simulation of the game of flames: the artificiality of such a "burning" significantly narrows the style frame for design development;
  • biofireplaces - such devices - inventions of the 21st century, used special fuel does not form soot, smoke, ash when burning - therefore they do not require a chimney, it can be used not only for the living room when choosing any location.

Currently, there are several styles. Of course, there are no strict rules requiring adhering to one of them, they can be synthesized. The main thing is that the fireplace chosen for the living room should look organic, not be an alien object in the interior of the room.

Chimney corner


The history of the fireplace in the interior as a device for heating suggests that they appeared before the era of the early Middle Ages, but their first images are available to historians only from this period. Starting from the 10th century, they had graphic and rounded shapes.

Over time, the classic fireplace in the interior of the living room has undergone a number of changes. From the 12th to the 16th century, when Gothic dominated, such heating devices had majestic dimensions, made of primitively processed stone, and sometimes without treatment.

The next period - the Renaissance. The concepts of ancient art, its decorative components during the design, began to dominate. The decorative component of the design, which determined the ancient art, is developing. The stone remains the main material, but it is beginning to be decorated with intricate carvings, painted, and original heating devices of this type for the living room appear, differing in appearance. The fireplace becomes an element of the decor room.

Appearance decoration

C 1725 installing a fireplace, begin to use small crushed stone - rokal. With the end of the XVIII century, the rule of classicism begins, and the appearance of the fireplaces in the living room takes on strict straight lines and regular shapes. The appearance has changed with the onset of the so-called Napoleon Epoch. They began to decorate them in living rooms through the use in the manufacture of expensive materials - rare types of marble and lapis lazuli. A living room with such a fireplace in the house will only be appropriate if you are trying to emphasize the luxury of the environment.

TV over the fireplace in the living room interior

After the defeat of Napoleon, the features of classicism and the Renaissance again quickly begin to use wood for decoration. The fireplace, as an element of the interior, did not change until 1920, until the advent of Art Deco. He synthesized aesthetic, decorative and practical heating functions and became the ancestor of fireplaces in the living room of modern style, high-tech. If you create such a living room with a fireplace of this style, it will exclusively decorate a country house.

Classic as well as Victorian styles

A classic style fireplace is characterized by the presence of a U-shaped portal, as well as an open firebox. The masters of this style use natural stone, sometimes wood or cast iron, in the design. For a country house, a living room with such a fireplace is not only cozy, but also warm in winter. If you are attracted to living rooms with a fireplace immersed in a wall, richly decorated with wooden ornaments with Celtic or Scottish motifs - note that this design is ideal for a private country house, the owner of which chose the style of "Good old England".


Also called country style. The fireplace of this style has a small and medium size, D-shaped. In a small living room, they are installed as a wall and corner. For the design of the portal using inexpensive natural, as well as artificial materials, such as shell rock, sandstone. A characteristic feature of this style is the arrangement of a special separate niche where the wood is put. A living room with such a fireplace is very often decorated in a country house.

Design room with fireplace

Style branches from Art Deco - Modernism, HiTech, avant-garde, bionics, tile

These modern design styles have appeared since the middle of the last century. They are characterized by minimalism, unexpected design with respect to forms and decor, the use of various modern materials, the ability to install not only in the living room, but also in rooms for other purposes. Living room with a fireplace of this type in a country private house will decorate your home.

Avant-garde involves the search for, the embodiment of new forms with the help of non-standard materials, for example, the interior with a fireplace made of glass, metal. It is this style that decorators choose when creating an interior with a fireplace for apartments, and smoke is removed from the room through a ventilation pipe. Such a living room in a private house is sure to become the center of attention.

Bionics and tiled styles. Bionics appeared at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Characterized by the desire to minimize the angles, a straight lines, the desire to create an optical illusion of movement in the living room. For country cottages this style is rarely used. Tiled, the design of which was proposed by Russian artists, who took the tiles as the basis for decorating - ceramic decorative elements, traditional elements of Russian stoves. Living room with a fireplace of this type in a country private house will be a real highlight of the country cottage.

For a country house with several living rooms, you can install fireplaces of various styles.

Watch the video: Fireplaces for living room: design features room. Beautiful Interior Design (April 2024).

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