Scandinavian style house designs

Many people think about building their own home. The first difficult solutions are waiting for them at the design stage. To pick up a typical project is not easy. After all, it would be desirable that the structure was not only attractive in appearance, but also comfortable. One of the most striking examples of structures that are distinguished by natural beauty and functionality are Scandinavian houses. During their construction, special attention is paid to energy saving, environmental cleanliness, well thought out planning.

Features Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style in architecture originated in the Nordic countries, it is very diverse and interesting. His geographical homeland is Finland and Norway, but most of all he absorbed Swedish traditions. Although this trend originated in the early Middle Ages, but as an independent phenomenon manifested itself only in the era of the reign of the Swedish king Gustav III, and became widespread in the middle of the 20th century.

The principles of construction, interior design, architectural appearance was formed under the influence of the harsh climate and practicality of the northern peoples living in the territory of the largest peninsula in Europe. Houses are free from pretentiousness, they are characterized by a simple design of offices, durability, retain heat well. The main distinctive features of this area include:

  • simple design;
  • low-rise, Scandinavians do not build high structures, mostly there are projects of one-story structures, rarely two floors;
  • strict geometric shapes, straight lines;
  • a characteristic two-slope roof with a steep slope, but there are projects with a single, sloping roof;
  • the presence of large-sized windows, panoramic windows are allowed;
  • impressive porch or terrace;
  • use in the construction of natural, environmentally friendly materials;
  • minimal use of decorative elements;
  • simplicity and conciseness of the interior;
  • rational use of internal space;
  • the use of energy-saving technologies.

Scandinavian house - a modern structure, which will not lose its relevance over the years. It is an environmentally friendly home with spacious and bright rooms, very comfortable and cozy, filled with natural light.

Types of frame house kits

Frame construction is typical for many northern countries. Low-rise pre-fabricated structures are popular not only in Scandinavia or Finland, but also are in great demand in the USA, Germany, and Japan. The technology of construction of a residential structure consists in its assembly from prefabricated elements. Components used for work differ only in their degree of readiness. By the type of house sets, there are 4 main groups:

  1. Ready blocks. The assembly of entire modules is made at the factory. At the construction site the construction is erected from the prepared components. However, this type of construction is quite rare, as there are problems with transportation, installation of large components.
  2. Domokomplekt high degree of readiness. Kits are brought to the construction site, which are parts of the walls that have exterior trim, rough inner lining, doors, heat-insulating, vapor-insulating materials are inserted into them.
  3. Designs with base panels. Blocks are less prepared. The facade decoration, insulation, installation of windows and doors are made on site.
  4. Pre-cut ingredients. All components of the frame are pre-manufactured at the enterprise, numbered, their connection is performed on the construction site according to the instructions. Finishing materials come in intact condition.

Features of the construction of frame houses on the Scandinavian technology

At construction of a construction only natural materials are used. The main raw material is wood. However, not every breed is used in construction. High density wood is suitable for use. A frame is assembled from logs and boards, its open frames are filled with insulation, and then the plating is performed. The advantages of this design include:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation work that you can do yourself;
  • construction speed;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • reliability and durability;
  • functionality.

However, such buildings are not without flaws:

  • fire hazard;
  • low noise insulation;
  • low rise;
  • low strength.

A house in the Scandinavian style is an excellent solution, both for a seasonal dacha structure, and a full-fledged housing suitable for permanent residence. In addition to the approach to its assembly from the prepared panels and components, these houses differ in the arrangement of their structural components. Consider the main features of the individual elements that are part of the overall design.


Building a house begins with its foundation. This is an important part of any structure. Its main function is the uniform distribution of the load exerted by the structure on the ground. This leads to the fact that it must be strong enough, durable. Calculations on the base should be performed by experienced engineers, who take into account the category of soil, terrain, groundwater height, and other parameters. In the construction of frame houses on the Scandinavian technology using two main types of supporting structure:

  • Precast tape (it is also called the warmed Finnish foundation UFF). It is a conventional tape, reinforced with a thin concrete slab, the thickness of which is 10-15 cm. All necessary communications are laid in it. The manufacturing process is as follows:
  1. a trench digs around the perimeter of the house being built, its depth is calculated depending on the load (for example, for a 10x6 m skeleton a depth of 50 cm is enough, 60 cm wide);
  2. the bottom is compacted, covered with geotextile, a layer of gravel is filled up to 30 cm, and is also compacted;
  3. formwork is installed;
  4. fits a layer of waterproofing, for example, steglohydroisol;
  5. the bottom and walls of the trench are covered with a thick plastic wrap;
  6. the reinforcing framework keeps within;
  7. poured concrete heel size 60 cm (width) x 20 cm (thickness);
  8. after hardening of the concrete base, a waterproofing layer is laid over 3-4 rows of hollow expanded clay concrete blocks, each row of which is reinforced with metal rods;
  9. from the inside one block of extruded polystyrene foam is attached to the blocks;
  10. the inner perimeter is covered with soil;
  11. necessary engineering communications are carried out, branch sewer pipes are stacked at a certain angle so that impurities do not stagnate in them;
  12. further, crushed stone is poured inside, compacted, geotextiles are laid on top, a sand cushion is made;
  13. after smoothing the sand layer, expanded polystyrene plates are spread over the surface;
  14. on top fit polyethylene film, metal mesh;
  15. 10 cm thick concrete screed is poured.

  • Slab foundation (warmed Swedish slab USHP). This type is a monolithic foundation of a shallow foundation, in which a system of warm floor is laid. The process of manufacturing the base is as follows:
  1. preparation of the pit;
  2. along its perimeter there is a trench digging into which a perforated drainage pipe is laid, which ensures the discharge of rain, thawed, ground water;
  3. engineering services are being laid, water supply and sewage systems are being carried out, electrical networks are being laid;
  4. the bottom of the pit is rammed, covered with geotextile;
  5. the cushion of rubble is filled up, compacted, the geofabric is laid, a layer of sand goes on top, which is poured with water, leveled;
  6. A heater is placed over the pillow in the form of two layers of extruded polystyrene foam plates;
  7. wooden formwork is mounted along the perimeter;
  8. installation of the reinforcing belt;
  9. the system of a heat-insulated floor is mounted;
  10. poured concrete pad.


In the Scandinavian countries there is no single standard that determines the type of building frame. The structure of the box can vary in many ways. However, it is based on pre-dried planed boards. The wooden bar is used less often. Timber passes chamber drying, the output has a moisture content not exceeding 20%. This ensures minimum shrinkage of the finished structure, allows you to finish the finish immediately after the completion of installation works.

Another feature of the frame house, made according to the Scandinavian technology, is the presence of the Finnish crossbar. It is a long board, extended along the entire wall, connected with all vertical posts under the top trim. Allows you to evenly distribute the load throughout the structure, adds strength to it. It makes it possible to install door and window openings without the use of twin support posts and additional horizontal lintels.

In Scandinavia, support bars are commercially available. Large manufacturers often make them in the form of brands or I-beams. This design allows you to increase the thermal efficiency of the house, due to the reduction of heat transfer between the outer and inner sides of the rack, but the cost of building material increases significantly. Many try to save money and begin to build with ordinary rectangular beams.


The rafter roof system in the Scandinavian skeletons is designed in such a way that the entire load is transferred to the external walls of the house. Internal bearing partitions are extremely rare, as an exception to the rules. This circumstance allows you to perform the layout of the house for every taste.

In the construction of residential buildings in Scandinavia, in most cases, house sets are used. Ceilings and trusses are also produced at the factory. Finished designs are very convenient. However, they have considerable weight, which complicates their loading and unloading, transportation, installation in place.

In the construction of the attic also use ready-made farms, which are of impressive size and weight. They are a structure consisting of floors, walls, rafters. Independent installation of large elements is not possible. For work using lifting equipment.

The roof and interfloor overlappings are insulated with a layer of insulation from the mineral wool. Top covered with waterproofing film. Over it the obreshetka and the counter lattice providing ventilation are established. Natural and artificial tiles, metal tiles, folded roofing are used as roofing materials.

Room layout

As already noted, inside the frame houses there are no bearing partitions, so the layout can be any. In drawing up the drawing, which indicates the location and dimensions of the premises, it is necessary to adhere to the established norms and standards. You should first familiarize yourself with the finished projects that can be found in the catalogs posted on the websites of Scandinavian construction companies. Usually the house should have the following rooms:

  • Living room. Spacious and bright, it is intended for family rest, reception of guests. It should be located exit to the terrace or veranda. Often it is combined with a dining or kitchen area.
  • Canteen. This room is optional, but if the area allows, it is desirable to provide for it.
  • Bedroom, children. Three rest rooms are enough for a full-fledged family.
  • Bathroom. In the two-story buildings usually set two baths on different floors.
  • Utility room. This includes dressing rooms for family members, pantries, and laundry.
  • Sauna. She is optional. It is possible to provide on the site a spacious separate structure.
  • Kitchen, bathroom. There is a space where there will be enough space to accommodate compact, multifunctional furniture and kitchen appliances.

Windscreen and wall cladding

Without the organization of wind protection it is impossible to talk about the quality insulation of the house. Some people mistakenly believe that insulation warms off wind insulation. The wind barrier protects the structure from blowing, eliminates the penetration of wind into the structure. When organizing it, special attention is paid to the joints and corners of the structure. When choosing a suitable material, the following qualities are taken into account: vapor permeability, resistance to moisture, density of raw materials. As the main building materials use:

  • OSB plates. This is an effective windscreen, an excellent base for subsequent cladding. They provide additional thermal insulation and sound insulation. However, they do not tolerate a humid environment, change linear dimensions with temperature, therefore they are not suitable for the northern regions.
  • Plasterboard for exterior plating. The material has a hydrophobic impregnation, prevents the blowing of insulation, the penetration of moisture. It allows you to level the surface of the walls, protects against precipitation and condensate, resistant to temperature changes. The building material does not provide additional thermal insulation, it is deformed during prolonged contact with the liquid.
  • Isoplat or MDVP (soft fibreboard). Raw materials are characterized by high thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, vapor permeability, sound insulation, environmental friendliness. The main drawback is the high cost, the fear of moisture.
  • Fiberboard. It consists of 60% wood fiber, the rest is Portland cement and various additives. This is a very durable building material, which can be called the best solution for organizing wind protection.

Wall insulation

The cake of the wall of the Scandinavian house includes the following elements: a facade, a counter grill, a wind-shelter plate, a frame with insulation, a vapor barrier, a batten, additional insulation, and interior decoration. When organizing the thermal insulation of walls, the frame is filled with basalt wool, less often with ecowool. The thickness of the insulating layer is 20-30 cm, for overlappings, this figure increases to 50 cm.

After laying the mineral wool, the frame is covered with a vapor barrier film from the inside. A crate of 4.5 x 4.5 cm bars is installed on top of it. Electrical wiring is installed inside, cross-insulation is performed from above, basalt plates 5 cm thick are laid. After that, finishing is done from gypsum board, various panels, and other materials.

The internal transverse lathing serves not only for fastening the facing layer, but also protects the vapor barrier from the laid communications.

Facade decoration

Scandinavian-style homes are made from natural materials, but their cost may be prohibitively high. Manufacturers offer many synthetic analogs that can replace natural raw materials. They can have wood texture, imitate stone or brick. As finishing you can use the following building materials:

  • clapboard;
  • boards of different configurations, covered with several layers of paint;
  • facing brick;
  • vinyl siding;
  • plaster;
  • fibropanels;
  • thermopanels;
  • wooden front panels;
  • metal siding;
  • rubble masonry.

Residents of the Scandinavian Peninsula for facade cladding use mostly natural wood, which is characterized by rough treatment, painted with 2-3 layers of cabinet paint. Sometimes they use plaster. Decorate the front of the house can be any of the above materials. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the structure, its final appearance.

Scandinavian house windows and doors

It is very difficult to purchase some elements of a frame house. This applies to windows. Original designs are very expensive, and analogues do not differ in quality. Standard windows have two sashs of different thickness. The inner one is almost twice as thick as the outer one. This is due to the fact that the inner flap is made of natural wood, and the outer one is made of aluminum. Such a device provides a similar degree of rigidity used in the production of materials.

Another feature is the presence of blinds located between the doors that protect the slats from dust. This allows you to clean the light-protective device no more than once every six months. Separately, you can select such a structural element as a filter valve, located in the upper part of the frame, which provides ventilation of the room during the cold season.

With the choice of doors, the situation is much easier. Paneled versions of solid wood, metal, veneered, glued, thyroid canvases are suitable as input models. When selecting interior doors, their color is taken into account, which may be white or bluish-gray. Fittings must have strict geometric shapes. As the main options you can consider veneered, laminated, PVC, doors of solid wood.


Most of the engineering communications laid at the initial stage of construction of the structure. Они рассчитываются еще в момент проектирования, включаются в общий план. Прежде всего, делается подвод труб холодного и горячего водоснабжения, устанавливается канализация.Mounted floor heating system. All these elements are laid at the stage of formation of the foundation.

For heating the first floor is usually quite warm floor. The second can be heated with radiators or electric convectors. Electrical wiring is hidden inside the external load-bearing walls, located under a layer of additional internal thermal insulation. Channels and corrugations are not used for cable laying. The emphasis is on high-quality wiring and automation.

Inflow and extraction of air can be carried out both naturally and artificially. Whole supply and exhaust systems and intake valves are used as ventilation. The latter are installed in the walls of bedrooms, living rooms, offices, on window frames. Operate together with forced hoods, which are located in the bathrooms, in the kitchen.

Scandinavian style in the interior of the house

Many loved Scandinavian style can turn a room of any size into a cozy, elegant room. Northern interiors can be very diverse, both bright and muted. Design solutions include a lot of directions. Even using similar techniques, you can achieve different perceptions.

Finishing materials

When choosing materials for decoration surfaces in the Scandinavian style, you must adhere to certain rules. It can only be natural elements. Use wood more often. Instead of impregnation and varnishes, it is painted white or artificially aged. Wallpapers are almost never used, they are replaced with plaster.

Scandinavian furniture is also made of wood, but metal interior items or natural stone parts are allowed. Designers do not recommend using plastic, artificial finishing materials. They distort the overall picture, make the situation cheaper.

Color solutions

One of the main roles in creating any interior is played by the color palette. The business card of the Scandinavian style are the 3 primary colors associated with the endless expanses of the north. Internal design can not be imagined without:

  • White. It is used in the design of any elements of the room. It looks great everywhere, reflects light, increases space.
  • Gray. Used to refer to one of the walls, minor accessories. Also in shades of gray can be furniture, decorative elements. Zoning is carried out with the help of gray, they visually designate a certain area.
  • Black It is important to apply this deep color dosed. It is quite a bit enough to identify the necessary accents. It will look good black and white floor tiles, slate in the kitchen, the original high lamps.

To avoid the feeling of sterility and boredom, white is replaced with cream, beige, pearl and other warm colors. Cold gray can be successfully shaded blue, light green, turquoise.

Wall decoration

For the decoration of walls using natural materials and pastel colors. Surfaces can be painted white or sheathed with wall panels made of wood. If it is decided to use the wallpaper, then it should be bright monochromatic canvases. Beautiful texture will make the interior simple and unkempt.

Veneer, MDF, plywood with imitation of birch, beech, exotic varieties will fill the room with warmth, emphasizing naturalness. A frequent choice of apartment and house owners is ceramic tile. It is used for cladding surfaces in rooms for any purpose. A popular option for wall decoration - tile brick.

Device and finish the floor

As the flooring is often used laminate floorboard. Wood floors leave a natural color or bleach, emphasizing the natural pattern. In rooms with high humidity, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the floor is lined with ceramic tiles. It can be a plain color or a strict geometric pattern.

Rugs and carpets in the design of the floor in the Scandinavian style is not used. Small rugs with high pile beside the bed, natural animal skin by the fireplace or in the center of the room are allowed.


Tables, chairs, Scandinavian-style beds should be as simple and comfortable as possible. To carry out the correct furnishing in the room, one should pay attention to the following parameters when choosing products:

  • It should be practical, compact items with no frills;
  • If it is wooden elements, preference should be given to light species (beech, pine, birch);
  • In addition to textile upholstery, leather, suede;
  • Upholstered furniture should have straight lines and the correct geometry.

Lighting features

A Scandinavian-style room needs to be lit from a variety of sources. Light - the main element of the interior. Both natural and artificial options are allowed. Large panoramic windows fill the room with natural light. To create a harmonious picture, trim frames echo the touch of the floor covering. Lightweight large openings give white weightless curtains.

The lack of lighting is compensated by lighting devices, reflective surfaces. Large spherical chandeliers, spotlights, wall sconces, original floor lamps will look beautiful. To designate accents use light bulbs of various intensity and color of a luminescence.

Accessories and accents

So that the Scandinavian interior does not seem so dull, it is diluted with various color accents. The most popular option - indoor plants. A few modest pots with greenery emphasize the naturalness and naturalness of the interior. Decorative bonsai, thujas, dracaena will look great.

The main focus of Scandinavian living rooms is on the fireplace. Decorative woodpile, located nearby, and natural animal skin on the floor, will add coziness and comfort. As accessories use stickers on the walls, black and white paintings, photographs. Create a mood will help bright pillows on the couch.

Exterior of a Scandinavian style private house

The exterior of any Scandinavian-style private house is modest and discreet. Excluded any high-tech approach and artistic and decorative innovations. As well as indoors, there must be absolute color harmony, quality, natural materials. For the construction of modern country houses, in addition to the usual Scandinavian timber, use concrete structures, bricks.

Features of landscape design

Modern landscape design in the Scandinavian style is based on a number of factors - functionality, harmony, aesthetics. It includes a piece of country, modern, high-tech, eco. On the site make the composition of any perennials that can survive the winter. More often, these are ground cover plants and ornamental shrubs. The Nordic region has the following typical features:

  • Green shorn lawn;
  • Narrow gravel paths;
  • Wooden low hedges;
  • Hedge, green borders;
  • Alpine slide;
  • Budget cozy terrace.

Porch decoration

The house territory at the entrance to the house is often converted into a cozy resting place. A small terrace will be a practical and aesthetic solution. On a small elevation from the ground install deck boards and paint them to match the facade of the building. The porch is decorated with simple benches, natural plants in tubs.

If the cottage area allows, on the terrace have a dining table, comfortable sun beds. Wooden pergola will protect from the sun. To fence a porch, it is possible to designate its borders by means of a wooden or live fence.


The architecture of the Scandinavian buildings allows them to fit into any landscape, absolutely without disturbing it. The rational use of any part of the cottage or street space will help to use even a small building with maximum benefit. Thanks to a rational planning, the ability to use energy-saving technologies, to maintain high-rise buildings will become much easier.

Watch the video: INTERIOR DESIGN. Tips to Decorate in the SCANDINAVIAN + MINIMALIST DESIGN STYLE (April 2024).

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